Eclipse (2019-2020)

3 uv prints on dibond, stainless steel beams, paint, 375 * 540 * 10 cm

The story revolves around two boys in the middle of the post-soviet cityscape that is virtually reconstructed after a memory of the view from the apartment I grew up in. Two boys, like myself and my brother, are staring at the sky through a floppy drive, now a primitive piece of early computer technology. My childhood memory of that awe has followed me throughout my life. I wish I could never grow up and keep that naive childish wonder within me.

The work details span from micro to macro levels, from hundreds of insects in the foliage to the planetary event that overtakes the sky. Small light ‘eclipses’ under the trees are referring to the optical effect that is possible to notice during a partial solar eclipse. Small holes between the leaves of the tree are forming millions of pinholes and thus project the images of the solar eclipse. On the normal days we sometimes see those ‘light patches’ under the trees - those are actually projections of the sun. For the ‘Eclipse’ the sun’s corona and the stars in the sky resemble the total solar eclipse as was seen in Sobral, where the proof of the theory of relativity was obtained on May 29, 1919.

Copyright © Alexey Shlyk All rights reserved.
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